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Twenty + Change @ Canadian Architect

NÓS est sélectionnée parmi les firmes émergentes à surveiller par la revue Canadian Architect et s’exprime sur son approche expérientielle et centrée sur les usagers.

«Their multi-sensory approach leads the duo to create innovative spaces with strong experiential qualities. Seeing people use a space and make it their own brings both architects a sense of pride, Hardy says. “It’s the result of many years of work, and it’s very special. (…) »

– Extrait de l’article

« Just as in their art installations, NÓS strives for this larger-scale project to “give people flexibility in the way that they live in a building—it’s not all fixed,” Proulx says. “We tried to propose a different approach to living,” Hardy adds, noting that the design is part of a pedestrian-centric neighbourhood plan, which includes amenities like open-air cinemas, temporary art exhibits, and a children’s garden. »

– Extrait de l’interview